Thursday, 27 October 2011

Dear Diary

      I have now completed my entire proposal. This includes;

·    Type of magazine (detailed description)
·    Content of magazine
·    Style of magazine
·    Competition to your magazine
·    Target audience (detailed)
·    Business features (price, frequency, subscription, cross media synergy, new media
·    Why you feel it will succeed
On top of this, I have also completed the mood board, featuring images that I believe associate well with music magazines. Each of the different sections of this sub-section of the project were created in different forms of media, helping to create a wider variety of item seen on my blog. The planning I have done so far will allow for a much easier creation of my final magazine, as I now have the majority of the layout and features of my magazine created, I now just simply have to put them together. I completed each of these tasks at home during the half term break, and I am now back on task for the rest of the term, as I had fallen slightly behind during the first half-term. I hope by the end of the coming week to be right up to speed, after my teacher goes through my blog to make sure I am not missing anything. 

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